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March is National Nutrition Month, and we want to share a few tips on putting good food fuel in your body to keep you healthy no matter what you do! Are you a career person? When you are a busy career person,...
When you are a busy career person, you oftentimes have full and hectic work days and may travel quite a bit, possibly leading to eating ‘on the fly’.
• Keep single size servings of crackers, fruit, peanut butter and canned soup or tuna in your desk for quick and healthy snacks.
• If you are always on the go, put things like granola bars, peanut butter and crackers, fresh fruit, trail mix or nuts in your backpack, purse or briefcase.
Your eating can affect your performance whether you are a competitive athlete or a recreational athlete, make good choices to fuel your body.
• Always eat a light breakfast or snack before you exercise. Try low-fat yogurt, graham crackers with peanut butter, a banana or cereal with low-fat milk.
• Drink water before, during and after your workouts. It is important to always replace fluids.
Being a student can be difficult when it comes to nutrition. Oftentimes you lead a very fast-paced schedule and have a lower budget for food. Smart, affordable snacks are always a good option.
• Try apples & peanut butter, carrots & hummus, hardboiled eggs & fruit, bananas & yogurt or almonds with low-fat cheese. These are great fuel options for your brain & muscles.
• Don’t be afraid of the cafeteria, there are healthy options there too. Try to choose the salad bar and limit the cheese, bacon and creamy salad dressing.
Eating as a family can be with kids or with your elderly parents. Try to be a role model and promote healthy eating. Here are two quick tips to doing just that!
• Keep it simple. Collect recipes and choose ingredients you can use for more than one meal. A good example would be using grilled chicken for chicken salad one day and fajitas the next.
• Work together! Ask your kids to make a salad or set the table. Doing activities together promotes healthy eating.
Modified from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietitics Tips by Jim White, Registered Dietitian.