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Incorporating these exercises for FAI (Femoral Acetabular Impingement) into a home exercise program may help to alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing from this hip condition. If you have any of these symptoms, y...
Incorporating these exercises for FAI (Femoral Acetabular Impingement) into a home exercise program may help to alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing from this hip condition.
If you have any of these symptoms, you may have FAI. Scheduling a consultation with a physical therapist can help to evaluate your symptoms and identify your condition.
Symptoms of FAI may include:
-stiffness, aching or pain in hip area
-hip pain when sitting for extended time, at rest, or with activity
-difficulty placing weight on the leg
Treatment should focus on strengthening and correcting. Here are three exercises for FAI that a physical therapist may recommend during the course of your treatment.
A sumo squat is just like a regular squat but with your feet further apart and your toes turned out further as well. The important thing with any squat is keeping your knees behind the toes.
To start, stand with your feet 3-4 feet apart, with your toes turned out at a 45 degree angle. Bend your knees and lower the hips and pelvis down toward the ground, until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Engage your abs, keeping your back straight. At the same time, raise your hands to your chin.
Then, return to your original stance, evenly and steadily pushing down into your heels. This completes one rep.
A physical therapist may recommend 3 sets of 8 or 3 sets of 15 to get you started, depending on your fitness level. You may add weight to your sumo squat as you progress as well, if recommended by your physical therapist.
This exercise is simple, yet effective. Lay on one side on the floor, legs stretched out one on top of the other so the thighs are touching.
Lift the top leg toward the ceiling. You will want to lift it as high as possible, however do not rotate your pelvis. If you have, then you have lifted it too far. Then, put the leg back down. This completes one rep.
Your physical therapist may recommend 3 sets of 15 or 3 sets of 20 to get you started.
Using an exercise ball, with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, lay back on the ball with your shoulders on the top of it. Your hands can support the back of your head. Press your hips up toward the ceiling, engaging the core muscles, thighs and glutes.
Evenly and steadily lower your hips back down. This completes one rep. Your physical therapist may recommend 3 sets of 15 to get you started.
…if any of your symptoms match the symptoms listed above, a physical therapist at Above & Beyond Physical Therapy may be able to help. He or she will be able to provide more specific guidance on frequency and reps as well as other exercises for FAI that are right for you.
To see what physical therapy can do for your family, contact us today.