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How To Ease Backpack Back Strain For Kids ‘Tis the season for backpack back strain to begin setting in for your child. Back to school means using their muscles in ways that their bodies have long forgotten over summer break. Homework, textbooks and school supplies can all weigh heavy on your child’s shoulders, and back, […]
You’ve more than likely heard of Pokémon GO by now. It’s seemingly taken over the United States and even the world. But this mobile game isn’t just for fun or pure nostalgia for 90’s kids everywhere, it is actually helping kids and adults alike get active and get outside. Even more powerful than that in […]
Backpacks are as much as a staple for kids in school as pens and paper. But choosing the wrong one or using backpacks that are too heavy can trigger back pain for kids. From elementary school through high school, kids typically lug over-sized backpacks around every week. Unfortunately, they can do a lot more […]
The work you do with your patients can help to shape their entire lives. When treating the pediatric patient, you will need to use a much different approach than with adults. You need to be part therapist, part teacher and part counselor at times. Pediatric patients have different needs and levels of understanding. Working […]